If something is within a Distance of 5cm infront of the Sensor, it sends a Signal to the SmartGeocache. Only then additional Actions may occure like a specific Webpage may be unlocked and can be viewed by the Geocacher, or a door can be opend with a Servo Motor.
Possible Connections:
SmartGeocache V5.0 Mega : Pin 1, 5, 6
SmartGeocache V5.0 Mini : Not connectable!
The SmartGeocache 5.0 Mega Board has only one 3V3 Pin to supply a Sensor with 3,3 Volt. But if you want to connect more than one Sensor (Input Extensions) you need a 3V3 Sensor Connector, which is sold addionaly in our Shop.
It is also possible to connect Sensors to Pin3 and Pin4 but it is noch recommended because a wrong signal could make the Smartgeocache fail during boot (start procedure)
3,90 €
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Smartest Electronics Stefan Schmidt
Email: smartgeocaching@gmail.com
Facebook: fb.me/smartgeocaching